What We Believe
This is what we believe as members of the Abantu Kingdom of Priests Preparatory Institute. We (AKOPPI) believe in the Divine Creation by the Almighty Power, our Eternal Father of Heaven and Earth and His appointed Beloved Son, the Holy One of Akobe, the Anointed Prince of Juda.
We believe in the words, doctrines, laws, precepts, statutes, commandments, ordinances, testimonies, judgments, and covenants of the fathers, from Adam, Seth, Enoch, Methusela, Noa, Shem, Arphaxad, Eber, Abram, Isaaka (Isaac), Akobe (Jacob), and Yusuf (Joseph) & Yawada (Juda).
We believe the land which Adam was created and Noa repopulated the earth was the continent of Africa, we call the Holy Land, the Land of Shem.
AKOPPI believe our Eternal Father, the Almighty Power, established a people to Himself and gave them the land, the adoption, the glory, the covenants, the giving of the law, the service of the Almighty, and all the promises. That they should not be ashamed of their calling and office.
All of which were given for them to bring all the sons of Adam back to His Kingdom.
We believe our Eternal Father, the Almighty Power made the offspring of Abram, Isaaka, and Akobe into a Kingdom of Priests, a holy nation, a peculiar treasure to Himself!
He gave the deliver of that time, Moses, His name, I AM that I AM, or in Xhosa/Zulu language, Almighty SoNiNi NaNiNi (in Ibibio language Aba Ke Nsi Nsi or Abasi Ibom), and commanded that generation’s savior, Yashaya (Joshua) to lead the people into the land of Canaan.
The land of Canaan is the more southern parts of Sub-Saharan Africa.
AKOPPI believe it is the prophesied will and right for all nations and their gods (rulers) to become cooperative to the children of Akobe and their King, the King of kings, and Lord of lords, for the administration and establishment of the dominion of the earth, as given in Isaiah 2:2-3!
We believe the Anointed Prince is King to the glory of our Eternal Father, the Almighty Power, and the Anointed Prince is also the High Priest to the Bantu and all Nations.
AKOPPI believe in the keeping and obeying of the laws, statutes, and ordinances, which is the voice of the Almighty; in keeping HIS charge, commandments, and the judgments of the Almighty Power.
We believe in the keeping of the Royal Covenant (Ten Commandments, including the seventh-day sabbath), the monthly sabbaths, and the Annual Festivals of the Almighty Power; as well as the dietary restrictions and principles commanded in the law.
AKOPPI believe in the history, prophecy, and principles given in the Word of the Great Creator that will be fulfilled to the fullest extent of the Word.
We believe in love, charity, the fruits of the spirit, and the upholding of righteousness on the earth, even in the face of persecution.
We believe in the main requirements of our Eternal Father, the Almighty Power: Hear, O Akobe: The Great Spirit our Eternal Power is one Great Spirit: And thou shalt love the Great Spirit thy Eternal Father with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. Thou shalt love the Great Spirit thy Eternal Father with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment.
And the second is like, unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.
We believe the Creator has showed us, O man, what is good; what does the Great Creator require of us, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with our Eternal Father, the Almighty Power?!
AKOPPI also believe in the inevitable process that by the necessary use of war (spiritual warfare), we may obtain peace. The enemies of the Creator, beginning with Satan himself, must fall.
We only participate in spiritual wars which we ready ourselves using spiritual tools provided (as given in Ephesians 6:10-18). In physical wars, we patiently wait on the Man of War (Exodus 15:3), the Anointed Prince Himself and the Ancestors to lead and conduct, and our Eternal Father, the Almighty Power will wipe away all tears!
If you believe in these, we want to work together with you in forming our Eternal Father, the Almighty Power’s words and rebuilding His Kingdom on the earth, a Kingdom of Priests.
What this means in plain…
This means we may have to dismiss minor disagreements outside of these and grow upon the words found therein and form alliances, partnerships, and leagues and we should add our organizations’ names together to form blocks of unity, Bantu Unity, for working together toward the common cause of seeking first the Abantu Kingdom of the Almighty and His Righteousness, so all the promises may be fulfilled and added unto us!
Praise Almighty SoNiNi NaNiNi, the I AM that I AM, Praise our Great Creator
This is the protocol of the Bantu, which is the Almighty and this is what this website and this organization are all about! Join as a family; $50/Month for family of (up to) six. Dues are strictly for the growth of the organization, for accountability and reporting, and for the protection of all members. Join if you concur with our belief and mission:
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